Terms and Rates
Find our interest rates, typical term length, loan-to-value ratio, and more below. As always, you can call us at (212) 684-2283 for quick replies to any inquiries — we love to talk financing, and are at your disposal. Meet W Financial’s lending team.
W's rates typically fall within the range between 8.5% and 12% depending upon the usual factors such as: Quality and experience of sponsorship, location, cash flow (or the lack thereof), the nature of the borrower’s business plan and the amount of time necessary to execute same. Our loans are structured with a floating rate based on a spread above Prime.
1-5 years
For first mortgages, W Financial will typically lend up to 75% loan to value - to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Mezzanine and second mortgage loans will only be considered on cash-flowing properties for strong sponsors with real expertise, net worth, liquidity and meaningful guarantees.
We have flexible prepayment options.
Typically 2%. In some cases part of the origination fee may be structured as an exit fee (deferred until the loan is repaid).
Most loans are structured with full recourse.
Most loans are introduced to W Financial by our valuable network of mortgage brokers. Brokers are always protected. We always welcome the opportunity to expand our network of commercial mortgage brokers, so call or email us with your bridge loan opportunities for a fast, efficient and reliable response.
Depending upon the type of loan request, the nature of the business plan and the financial strength of the Sponsor, we may elect to structure the loan with an Interest Reserve to cover a portion of the monthly interest payments.